Visit to Normandy – Agenda
Normandy Trip 2012 Agenda
I am sharing this so that maybe you can use it as a basis if you ever have the chance to visit Normandy. There are museums and memorials around almost every corner, and it can be difficult to determine beforehand from the guidebooks which are the quality, must-sees.
Our trip leader, Willem, history teacher and WWII expert, put the agenda together based upon his many visits to the D-Day beaches. It looks like a lot. It was a lot. But it was not over-the-top. We still had plenty of time to relax at a café for a cup of coffee in the morning and a beer or sparkling cider in the afternoon. We were back at the hotel on average around 9.30 p.m. We would have a drink together, and then the younger cohort would stay out awhile longer. The 8 a.m. start was easily made by everyone, and the breakfasts of orange juice with fresh croissants, baguette, ham and cheese was the perfect way to start each day’s adventure.
Day 1:
+/- 7.30 Depart Sittard, Netherlands for Grandcamps-Maisy, France
+/- 15.00 Arrive Hotel Duguesclin
16.30 Visit Pointe du Hoc
18.00 Visit to German cemetery at La Cambe
19.00 Dinner in Isigny
20.30 Visit to Iron Mike monument at La Fiere
Day 2:
8.00 Depart hotel. Breakfast on the way.
9.00 Visit to Omaha Beach Museum Vierville-sur-mer/St.-Laurent-sur-mer
11.00 Visit American cemetery at Colleville-sur-mer.
14.00 Visit Musée memorial de la Bataille de Normandy Bayeux.
16.30 Visit the city of Bayeux (Tapistry of Bayeux and Cathedral)
19.00 Dinner in Bayeux
21.00 Visit to German battery at Longues-sur-mer
Day 3:
8.00 Depart hotel. Breakfast on the way.
9.00 Visit to Merville Battery
10.30 Visit Pegasus Bridge museum in Benouville
12.30 Depart for Ouisterham
13.30 Visit Musée Le Grand Bunker at Ouisterham
16:00 Visit to Arromanches 360 bioscoop
17.30 Visit to the Mullberry Harbour museum in Arromanches
19.00 Dinner in Arromanches
Day 4:
8.00 Depart hotel. Breakfast on the way.
9.00 Visit to the Deadman’s Corner Museum, St.-Come-du-Mont
10.30 Visit to Hancock Field memorial in Carentan
11.00 Vist to the Airborne museum, St.-Mere-Eglise.
13.00 Visit to Ste. Marie-du-Mont, Manoir de Brecourt (Band of Brothers)
14.00 Visit to German batteries at Crisbecq and Azeville.
15.00 Visit to Museum Quineville.
16.00 Drive along the coast in direction of Utah Beach.
17.00 Visit Utah Beach.
18.15 Visit memorial marker at Brix for 1LT Richard Lee Mann, ‘44 and his B-17 aircrew.
19.00 Dinner in Valognes.
Day 5:
8.00 Depart hotel for The Netherlands.
Quite helpfull for all those who plan to visit Normandy, well done!
The Pegasus Bridge Muséum ask you why is
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Pegasus Bridge Museum,
Thank you for the contact and question. I checked for previous comments from you that might not have yet been approved but found none.
Please feel free to repost your original comment.
We had a great visit to your museum. There was a youth orchestra playing outside in the garden that day. They were very good and provided beautiful background music heightening the experience and memories.
Thank you.
Roger Long, ’89
Le Musée de Pegasus Bridge
Vous remercie de l’intérêt que vous portez à son Musée de Pegasus Bridge qui doit sa notoriété aux acteurs du 6 Juin qui l’ont crée avec Françoise Gondrée , une équipe de bénévoles pendant tant d’années et qui est toujours en activité .
Notre Musée de Pegasus Bridge (baptisé ‘Mémorial’ par le Comité du Débarquement pour tromper le public)- il s’agit bien du même Musée – Notre siège est au Musée sur la commune de Ranville – que le Comité du Débarquement nous a usurpé avec la connivence des institutions locales depuis plus de 10 ans au détriment des victimes ! Il faut maintenant dénoncer ce scandale !
Si notre Musée de Pegasus Bridge, est propriétaire de tout le fonds et a toutes ses pièces historiques, le comité du débarquement n’a strictement rien pour se justifier, d’où son emploi de coups bas et autres…….
Notre combat depuis plus de 10 ans avance cependant. Des procédures sont toujours en cours car le Musée de Pegasus Bridge ne cédera pas aux marchands de mémoire politico touristico déformée.
La démocratie doit être respectée et le patrimoine rendu .
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Françoise Gondrée, Fondatrice et Présidente
Pierre de Roquefeuil Vice Président