Be a part of this memorial project – volunteer, donate, or pass this on – every action counts. Help us share the stories of the Citadel Men who fought and died in Europe and North Africa. As a volunteer, not-for-profit organization, The Citadel Memorial Europe Foundation needs your support. We are officially headquartered and registered in the Netherlands. More on our About page.


Become involved with our on-going efforts to research and write the stories of our Citadel Men. Many hands make light work. Please contact us to discuss joining our team of volunteers.

In Kind Donations

In-kind donations are very important to our work. Do you have an “antique” Sphinx yearbook or back issues of “Alumni News of The Citadel”? Would you like to provide a small 8”x12” Big Red flag which will be placed at a grave or memorial as we visit sites here in Europe and North Africa? Maybe you’ve come across a photo or journal from the war era which you want to pass along? These items will help us to tell these men’s stories and keep their memories alive. Please contact us if you wish to make an in-kind donation.


In addition to in-kind donations, financial gifts, are gratefully welcome. Should you wish to discuss a donation, please contact us.

Donate Button with Credit Cards

For gifts made “In memory of…”, please indicate this to us by adding a “special instruction”.
If you do not wish to use PayPal, it is possible to make your donation by bank transfer:
Name on account: Stichting The Citadel Memorial Europe Foundation
Bank address: Panningen, Netherlands
Account number: 108559831
IBAN: NL38RABO0108559831

The Foundation’s office is located in Heythuysen, Netherlands, and is registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce, KvK nr. 58224432.


Ideas, comments, questions? Let us know what you think of the efforts of the Foundation or our website. Help us with our mission and continually improve it. Your message is sincerely appreciated. Leave us a message in the Reply / Comment section at the bottom of each page or send us an email.

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